this week...
was good! I had a good week at work! I had energy (for a change), I was so on top of was good. And on Tuesday I went to a Bible study (which is partly why I think the week went so well) at my sister's house. I so enjoyed it. Just being around other Christians is so encourgaging and uplifting. I can't wait for next week's study.
Today was a good day! I went grocery shopping with my sister and we stopped for coffee while out, and I got lunch with a friend this afternoon at a chinese buffet. The food was good, but the MSG or something made my tummy hurt. :( So sad being me, lol. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because a friend of mine is getting together with my sister and me to work on a skirt. At least, that's what she's working on. I don't know what I'm working on. :) I'll have to bring my camera since I've had a great lack of photos on here lately.
Movie of the week: we're into Poirot here. My neighbors lent us 3 Poirot dvds and while they were a leetle bit scary to watch right before bed (which is of course when I watched them), they were really interesting. If you're wondering, Poirot is a detective from Belgium (?) and is a character made up by Agatha Christie. I never read anything by her and didn't know she created the Poirot character, but they're really interesting "whodunnits's" and are fun to watch. So since we had to give the dvds back to our neighbors I went ahead and ordered 2 sets off Amazon (2 sets off Amazon cost me less than one new set would at Borders)! They will hopefully be in next week.
Amazon: is sort of dangerous. If you know me, you might know that I claim to be a good bargain shopper. I hardly ever buy anything at full price. Well, Amazon sells all kinds of things used and new, and even some of the new stuff is more than half off the original price. I got 2 sewing books for the price of one off Amazon a week ago and they were both new. Someone was clearing out their stock and was selling them for really cheap! And with gas at $3+ a gallon you're basically coming in even with shipping and handling. I need to stop looking on Amazon I think.
Last, but not least, I am so thankful that the weather was so nice this week! It is so nice to not worry about getting stuck in the snow or ice, worrying about family members and friends getting into accidents, etc. So much less stress! It's wonderful!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Day 5...
Gluten-free! It's going a lot easier now. I was sooooooo tempted to cheat on Sunday, but I'm glad I didn't. I went to Walmart and got a lot of stuff to cook that was gluten free and last night I made a gluten-free turkey sun dried tomato alfredo! I know that sounds gross, but it wasn't too bad. I found gluten-free rice noodles and checked the ingredients on everything I bought.
I haven't noticed that I'm feeling any better, but I don't really think it was the gluten that was making me feel bad anyway. I'm not sure what is causing it, but every little bit helps and if my body is not constantly being taxed because I eat gluten then maybe I will feel better anyway as far as being tired all the time goes.
So tonight I'm going to my sister's house for a Bible study. I have to be there in half an hour. I'm looking forward to it. :) Work was pretty good today. We had this kid come in and he had such a bad attitude. I don't like working on those kinds of kids. Does that sounds really bad? It's frustrating. But other than that the day went well!
Okay, I gotta run.
Will talk again later~
I haven't noticed that I'm feeling any better, but I don't really think it was the gluten that was making me feel bad anyway. I'm not sure what is causing it, but every little bit helps and if my body is not constantly being taxed because I eat gluten then maybe I will feel better anyway as far as being tired all the time goes.
So tonight I'm going to my sister's house for a Bible study. I have to be there in half an hour. I'm looking forward to it. :) Work was pretty good today. We had this kid come in and he had such a bad attitude. I don't like working on those kinds of kids. Does that sounds really bad? It's frustrating. But other than that the day went well!
Okay, I gotta run.
Will talk again later~
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Another Weekend Over
It's Sunday's amazing how quickly 3 days go by. 3 days where you don't have to dash out the door early and come home late, worry so much about the weather, deal with people all day...not that weekends are perfect, and they wouldn't mean anything if you didn't have to work because then they would just be like any other day...but I do enjoy them.
Today was a nice day. We had church with our neighbors (and my sister and her husband...who are also our neighbors...) and we all had lunch together. This happens pretty much every Sunday. It's really nice. The men take turns teaching each week so you get a variety. I like it when we listen to John MacArthur. I think he is a wonderful teacher. But it's also nice to hear what the other people here are studying in the Bible too. I enjoy it very much. Later this afternoon, Dad and I went out to Walmart (he let me drive :) ) and I was able to grocery shop for the week. I'm still gluten-free although I really wanted to cheat today. So I went to the store and managed to find a lot of gluten-free foods. So I guess I'll be doing a bit of cooking this week. Should be fun. :) And it's much cheaper than buying lunch out every day.
In other words I am thankful for:
studying the Bible (with family and friends)
getting my grocery shopping done
spending quality time with my siblings this weekend (playing dutch blitz...I beat Matt. This has only ever happened once before. He's the best at dutch blitz. *says all this with a Nacho Libre accent*)
We didn't get all the snow and ice we were supposed to get.
One more week till it is March! February is almost over!
So that is what's on my mind tonight.
Have a happy week!
Today was a nice day. We had church with our neighbors (and my sister and her husband...who are also our neighbors...) and we all had lunch together. This happens pretty much every Sunday. It's really nice. The men take turns teaching each week so you get a variety. I like it when we listen to John MacArthur. I think he is a wonderful teacher. But it's also nice to hear what the other people here are studying in the Bible too. I enjoy it very much. Later this afternoon, Dad and I went out to Walmart (he let me drive :) ) and I was able to grocery shop for the week. I'm still gluten-free although I really wanted to cheat today. So I went to the store and managed to find a lot of gluten-free foods. So I guess I'll be doing a bit of cooking this week. Should be fun. :) And it's much cheaper than buying lunch out every day.
In other words I am thankful for:
studying the Bible (with family and friends)
getting my grocery shopping done
spending quality time with my siblings this weekend (playing dutch blitz...I beat Matt. This has only ever happened once before. He's the best at dutch blitz. *says all this with a Nacho Libre accent*)
We didn't get all the snow and ice we were supposed to get.
One more week till it is March! February is almost over!
So that is what's on my mind tonight.
Have a happy week!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Day 2 of being gluten-free
So I think I mentioned before that I am gluten intolerant but I do eat wheat/gluten almost every day. I've been trying to stop though because I've been really tired and my tummy hurts sometimes so I've been officially off gluten for 2 days now (I know, great big accomplishment, but every little bit helps and you have to start somewhere). It is hard to stay on a gluten free diet because you mostly have to cook everything you eat by scratch. And you can't eat all the lovely bready things you want to eat. So this is what I'm craving right now... recipe found here
I want to try to make this sometime. But I'm also using the gluten free diet as a chance to try to lose some lbs and I don't want to do a whole lot of sugar either. Pretty boring.
I think I've also mentioned that I'm really interested in natural health. I've been looking into different schools (all online because there doesn't seem to be any 4 year schools with natural/holistic degrees) to get into for nutrition or herbs or something like that. Anyway, this is what I've found that I've liked. The Global College of Natural Medicine and Clayton College of Natural Health. I'm thinking of doing GCNM's nutritional consultant course and they also have one on herbs. So since I'm moving and I have dropped out of school I think I might do this for a year while I'm waiting on my in-state residency and then maybe I will go back to school for nutrition if no one will accept my certification from GCNM. I am mostly just thinking out loud here, but I am interested.
Oh, and they came in! I love these two books!
Must dash. I'm off with my family to the mall (I wanted to go to Joann's because the books I ordered *In Stitches by Amy Butler and Simple Sewing by Lotta Jansdotter* came in yesterday and I feel this occasion calls for new fabric, but apparently my family does not feel that way and will not take me, lol), will write later!
Have a lovely weekend.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Thank you for today, I am grateful for today is all I have...'Phil Keaggy'
So I am beginning a series in which I count my blessings instead of my troubles. Join in if you feel so inclined. It is good to give thanks for the good things God gives us. :)
Psalm 107:1 'Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.
I am thankful for:
What is everyone else thankful for?
I plan to occasionally journal the things I am grateful for here on this blog so when I look back at what was going on at this time in my life I will remember how blessed I was and how God provided for me in so many ways.
Love to all,
Psalm 107:1 'Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever.
I am thankful for:
- Getting of work early tonight!
- My dad driving me home so I didn't have to drive in the snow.
- A good day at work.
- One more day till the weekend! :)
- My wonderful family who are my dearest friends in addition to being my family. I love them so much.
- My school bill working out.
- One more month till it is officially spring! Woo hoo!
- Friends to meet up with for lunch and/or a conversation.
- emails from friends away in college.
- that I haven't gotten sick (although a lot of people around here have. Keeping my fingers crossed here. )
- and I can't forget my dogs who are always doing something silly and make me laugh and love me even when I'm not very lovable. They're so sweet.
- my braces, even though they are uncomfortable and make my teeth hurt sometimes.
What is everyone else thankful for?
I plan to occasionally journal the things I am grateful for here on this blog so when I look back at what was going on at this time in my life I will remember how blessed I was and how God provided for me in so many ways.
Love to all,
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Self-Portrait and some thoughts...
And this is what I've been thinking about lately...
Thankfulness. :)
Thankfulness and joy are tied to each other. If you are not thankful, what will you be joyful for?
I listened to a podcast by John MacArthur about thankfulness. It was very good. You can download his podcasts for free and put them on your ipod or mp3. It made me think about how ungrateful I am. I take so much for granted. I fuss at my family even though they are more important to me than anything, I complain about my job even though it's the best job I've had and I really do enjoy it. I fret about moving, but I have always had a roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.
I complain about so much when I should be grateful.
So I am trying to make it a point to count my blessings and turn it into a habit. So I want to start posting the things I am thankful for on here. Only if will have to wait because someone else needs the computer now. :P
Talk soon!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Sewing/Baking...Sewing for Baking!
I found the macro setting on my camera! So I took a picture of the flowers I grabbed out of the vase at work when I was leaving to go home this Valentine's day. I looked at my boss as I was "stealing" them and said, "Thank you for the beautiful flowers, Dr. B.!" He just rolled his eyes and said, "well someone should enjoy them, they'll just get thrown out this weekend." He really has a funny, dry sense of humor. I know that that quote wasn't very funny, but he's always cracking a joke and I think they're usually funny. Usually. :)
I blogged about a skirt I was making which I was unhappy with because the zipper kept puckering and I said I was going to take the zipper out and try it again. Well I did and it came out even worse than before. So I am putting it aside for now (maybe forever, lol) and I decided to work on something else. Awhile back, my friend Christina gave us a bag of fabric that she didn't want and I grabbed some stuff out of it before passing it on again. I used some of it for picture backdrops for my puppy pictures and I also found this fabric with coffee cups and coffee pots and croissants on it and I thought the color was...well kinda ugly. It's not my favorite shade of Anyway, I did think that it was "kitchen appropriate" so I saved it and thought I'd make an apron out of it. So instead of doing the skirt again I went ahead and made this little half apron.
I blogged about a skirt I was making which I was unhappy with because the zipper kept puckering and I said I was going to take the zipper out and try it again. Well I did and it came out even worse than before. So I am putting it aside for now (maybe forever, lol) and I decided to work on something else. Awhile back, my friend Christina gave us a bag of fabric that she didn't want and I grabbed some stuff out of it before passing it on again. I used some of it for picture backdrops for my puppy pictures and I also found this fabric with coffee cups and coffee pots and croissants on it and I thought the color was...well kinda ugly. It's not my favorite shade of Anyway, I did think that it was "kitchen appropriate" so I saved it and thought I'd make an apron out of it. So instead of doing the skirt again I went ahead and made this little half apron.
Modeled by my mom. :)
This is how I spent the rest of my evening. On Friday I made a trip to Walmart and stopped at the mall to see my friend, Becca. It was great to see her and visit for a bit. I'd had a kinda rough week and seeing her and chatting was just the thing to perk me up. :) Thank God for friends. :) We talked a little bit about natural ways to boost your immune system (there is a nasty cold/flu thing that's going around town) and other health related topics which was fun. We are both interested in naturopathy and homeopathy, alternative medicines etc. We went over to Sears where she found a coat she liked, (on sale no less!) and I stopped at Waldenbooks to look for a new magazine and I came out with it and a cookbook. Only it wasn't a healthy cookbook, it was the 'Chocolate and Coffee Bible' book. I found this recipe for chocolate puffs in it. I kinda tweaked the recipe and made it a little different. It came out okay. It was fun to make anyway. :)
My family seemed to approve of them.
So that was my "crafty" weekend. It was actually more crafting than I'd done in awhile. I think baking/cooking is a type of craft so I'm counting that and the skirt that went wrong as part of my crafting endeavors. Maybe someday I will fix that skirt and put a picture of it up here.
Oh, and here is the magazine that I got. It had some interesting ideas in it, but I think I like Sew Simple better. I would give it 2 of 5 stars. If I was a critic. :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Honey I Blew Up the Dog! (Or is it Honey I Shrunk Myself?)
Solomon giving Holly a hug. No, he's not eating her or anything like that, but she did seem to have some trouble holding him up even though he only weighs about 80 lbs more than she does. :)
Hopefully I'll do some more blogging this weekend when I have a chance to work on some stuff. Until then I guess this is adios!
Hopefully I'll do some more blogging this weekend when I have a chance to work on some stuff. Until then I guess this is adios!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
I usually don't pay much attention to Valentines day because it's a hallmark holiday and it's hard on folks like me who are trying to avoid sugar and I'm single. But I decided to write a post for the occasion anyway. This is what's been going on during my Valentines day.
My dear friend Janice wrote a message to everyone today. It was a valentines message and she addressed pretty much everyone in it; singles, dating couples, engaged couples, married couples, etc and gave a greeting and advice to all the people in those different groups. Some of the ideas for singles were to spend time with your siblings or take your parents on a date or get together with friends, that kinda thing. It was very sweet and I enjoyed reading it. I also read an interesting valentines post here at My Messy, Thrilling Life's blog. I enjoyed it also and maybe you will too.
I went to a Bible study tonight. It was the first time I went to this particular study and I'm very happy I went. We didn't really talk about Valentines day or tie the study to it, but it was nice to spend Valentines evening talking about the greatest love of all. The love of a God who sent his only begotten Son to die for the sins of a world who reject(ed) Him. The love of Jesus who died and rose again and bought our souls with His death. What kind of person does that even for their nearest and dearest much less those who hate them?
I want to be someone who shows Jesus' love to all the people He places in my life. A big step in accomplishing that goal is to stop focusing so much on myself and to start focusing more on others. If I would stop focusing on my own needs and hurts and dreams and focused on the needs and hurts and dreams of the people around me, how many opportunities would present themselves to share the love of Christ with others? The truth is that I can be very self-absorbed. My life is mostly about me and not about others. The Bible says "In as much as you have done to the least of my brothers, you have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)" I don't want to reach the end of my life and look back and think about how I cared more about myself than others (which according to this verse means your love yourself more than you love God).
So that is what I have been thinking about this Valentines evening. I am grateful for the love and friendship I have been blessed with by family and friends. I am especially grateful for the love I have received from my creator and saviour, Jesus Christ. And someday I hope to be grateful for the love and companionship of my own husband and family, but until then I am content to be in the position I am in.
Happy Valentines Day all!
My dear friend Janice wrote a message to everyone today. It was a valentines message and she addressed pretty much everyone in it; singles, dating couples, engaged couples, married couples, etc and gave a greeting and advice to all the people in those different groups. Some of the ideas for singles were to spend time with your siblings or take your parents on a date or get together with friends, that kinda thing. It was very sweet and I enjoyed reading it. I also read an interesting valentines post here at My Messy, Thrilling Life's blog. I enjoyed it also and maybe you will too.
I went to a Bible study tonight. It was the first time I went to this particular study and I'm very happy I went. We didn't really talk about Valentines day or tie the study to it, but it was nice to spend Valentines evening talking about the greatest love of all. The love of a God who sent his only begotten Son to die for the sins of a world who reject(ed) Him. The love of Jesus who died and rose again and bought our souls with His death. What kind of person does that even for their nearest and dearest much less those who hate them?
I want to be someone who shows Jesus' love to all the people He places in my life. A big step in accomplishing that goal is to stop focusing so much on myself and to start focusing more on others. If I would stop focusing on my own needs and hurts and dreams and focused on the needs and hurts and dreams of the people around me, how many opportunities would present themselves to share the love of Christ with others? The truth is that I can be very self-absorbed. My life is mostly about me and not about others. The Bible says "In as much as you have done to the least of my brothers, you have done it unto me. (Matthew 25:40)" I don't want to reach the end of my life and look back and think about how I cared more about myself than others (which according to this verse means your love yourself more than you love God).
So that is what I have been thinking about this Valentines evening. I am grateful for the love and friendship I have been blessed with by family and friends. I am especially grateful for the love I have received from my creator and saviour, Jesus Christ. And someday I hope to be grateful for the love and companionship of my own husband and family, but until then I am content to be in the position I am in.
Happy Valentines Day all!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
10 Things About Me
I have read posts on other blogs where the blogger writes a number of random facts about themselves. I decided to do one also. So here we go. 10 random facts about myself:
So there you go. 10 random facts about myself.
- I have never had a cavity. I don't know how I got this lucky since I never really flossed my teeth until I started going to school for dental assisting and got a job at an office.
- I hate scary/depressing movies. My brother says I won't watch a movie unless it ends with rainbows and bunny rabbits. While this is not true, I will say that after watching Wallace and Gromitt meet the Were-Rabbit I dreamed that rabbits were chasing me. And this happened while I was 16.
- I was homeschooled K-12 (technically). I took my first college classes when I was 15 during the summer and then started as a full-time student when I was 16. I loved being home schooled and am very happy that my mom was willing to stay home with the 4 of us and teach us every day. I want to home school my own kids someday.
- I was 18 when I got my driver's license.
- I've lived on the east coast my whole life but have moved 8 times. I'm getting ready for my 9th move (going to Ohio this time). I am happy to get a chance to see another part of the US.
- My mom signed me up for ballet classes (behind my back) when I was 13 and I was very upset about it. However, by the time my first year was over I was a ballet maniac. I danced for 3 years but quit when I started college. I've always regretted that I stopped because I really loved it. :(
- I love holidays, but wish they were celebrated differently. Especially Christmas. I wish there was less emphasis on presents and more emphasis on spending time with the people you really love.
- I'm allergic to everything. Okay, maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but I am gluten-intolerant and I'm allergic to most fruits. I am also very allergic to spring (and a little bit allergic to fall) which is kind of tragic since I dislike winter so much and am so happy to see spring finally roll around. This is partly why I am interested in nutrition so much.
- I am scared of getting into a car accident. I'm scared of anyone getting into one. Whenever anybody I know is late for anything I automatically start to worry that they were in an accident. While I haven't been in a car accident so far, I have had a few driving incidents where I brushed a curb and shredded my tire, backed into my parent's grill really fast, and almost hit a pony out in the middle of the road (actually it almost hit me). If I had hit the pony, I probably would have just stopped driving for good. I try to be very careful driving and these incidents really shook me up.
- I want to have a large family someday. My family is SOOO important to me and I couldn't imagine not having a big family of my own someday.
So there you go. 10 random facts about myself.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snow, Snow Go Away...
It is yucky here. I do not like this weather. I think it is weird too that one day it will be almost 70 degrees outside and then a week later there is ice and snow on the ground. I think I know why birds fly south for the winter. They have the right idea.
So enough of my whining. The snow is pretty. The family that came to see our house this weekend came and left in about 5 minutes. We haven't heard anything else from them. So I guess we are still waiting.
That's okay too though.
So I think I want to enter a 5k run. My cousin started running a couple of years back and I am inspired to try to get into enough shape to do that too. I found a website that has a training plan that I want to do as soon as it warms up enough to go outside and go to the park. The info can be found here. I am trying to lose a few lbs and get into shape and I'm hoping this will help. That's assuming I can even do it. :) I had decided to go off sugar and do a low-carb/high-protein diet for a week...I called it Gatkins since it was my own version of Atkins. Long story short: I did it for a day and felt great. But on day 2 I caved and blew the diet. I didn't even feel bad from no sugar. I just caved. And then I got to work on Monday and opened the fridge to put my lunch into it and was greeted by boxes of Little Caesar's pizza and cookie kits. I forgot that when one of the worker's kids came in with a fundraiser for the school I bought a tub of cookie dough and it had come in. I must have had a weak moment that day or something...I'm very ashamed of myself. I think I might try the diet again this week. Just for a few days anyway.
Well, so much for a crafting blog...this had nothing to do with crafting. :) It is also a journal blog though so I guess I'm not really breaking the rules. I have an idea for a photo set, but haven't had the time (or light really) to take any photos. But maybe sometime soon I will get around to it.
Peace out~
So enough of my whining. The snow is pretty. The family that came to see our house this weekend came and left in about 5 minutes. We haven't heard anything else from them. So I guess we are still waiting.
That's okay too though.
So I think I want to enter a 5k run. My cousin started running a couple of years back and I am inspired to try to get into enough shape to do that too. I found a website that has a training plan that I want to do as soon as it warms up enough to go outside and go to the park. The info can be found here. I am trying to lose a few lbs and get into shape and I'm hoping this will help. That's assuming I can even do it. :) I had decided to go off sugar and do a low-carb/high-protein diet for a week...I called it Gatkins since it was my own version of Atkins. Long story short: I did it for a day and felt great. But on day 2 I caved and blew the diet. I didn't even feel bad from no sugar. I just caved. And then I got to work on Monday and opened the fridge to put my lunch into it and was greeted by boxes of Little Caesar's pizza and cookie kits. I forgot that when one of the worker's kids came in with a fundraiser for the school I bought a tub of cookie dough and it had come in. I must have had a weak moment that day or something...I'm very ashamed of myself. I think I might try the diet again this week. Just for a few days anyway.
Well, so much for a crafting blog...this had nothing to do with crafting. :) It is also a journal blog though so I guess I'm not really breaking the rules. I have an idea for a photo set, but haven't had the time (or light really) to take any photos. But maybe sometime soon I will get around to it.
Peace out~
Sunday, February 10, 2008
A Man's Best Friend
I found a few pictures of our dogs that I took last year and wanted to post. I took a few of these when I got snowed in from school. Others were taken at random times after we had our last litter of puppies.
Meet the Weimaraners!
Dancer. She is such a character.This picture was sooo hard to take. It was so hard to get them all in one spot and facing the same direction. This was the best I got.
Meet the Weimaraners!
Dancer. She is such a character.This picture was sooo hard to take. It was so hard to get them all in one spot and facing the same direction. This was the best I got.
And just because this picture always makes me laugh. :)
So these are the weimaraners. I already posted a picture of Hank. He is Jumper and Dancer's son from their last litter. I also have a picture of Solomon on here too. I need to get new pictures of Jazz and Brandy and post them too.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Weekends go by so fast...
Hi again~
It's Saturday! And it is sunny outside. :) Thank you Lord for a beautiful day today!
It is 1 pm and in about an hour someone is supposed to come visit our house. I do hope this is "the one." It is the second time someone has called to come see our place and for my parent's sake, as well as my own, I hope they buy the house. This is probably a little bit too hopeful since it usually takes more than 2 people coming to see your house before it sells, but I'm still hoping...
My brother-in-law built our house for us. Talk about amazing talent! Matt does incredible work. I should take some pics of the beautiful house he has built for us and post them here. I shall put it on my to-do list. Speaking of places that he has built, he built an addition on his sister's house (which is right next door) and built a barn with a full apartment above it too. Both of these came out GORGEOUS! My sister and her husband just moved into the apartment above the barn this week because their lease on their apartment is up and they are in between moves too so they are staying there temporarily until they get their own place. I am very jealous of them. I want to live up there too. I guess I will just have to take some pictures of this place. It's very cool!
I made another skirt this weekend. It went very quickly and was a lot of fun. It had an already finished hem so I just sewed the sides and hemmed the waist and put in the zipper. I think I'm going to take the zipper out though and do it again because it is puckering and it annoys me. I really enjoyed doing it though and it shouldn't take too long to pull out the seam and zipper and redo it. Once the people who are looking at the house leave I will take some pictures of everything and post them here.
And here is a list of things I am happy about today!
Here is what I am coveting:I want this book! Look at all the beautiful projects in this book! I am sure this is in almost everyone's crafting library, but I haven't seen it before. One of the things I love about the blogs is how much inspiration you can find. People are so talented and I love looking at the ideas they have and the projects they make and I've seen this book on a lot of the blogs I read and looked it up and now I want it too. I've been trying to be more conscious of how I spend my money and not spend it all on fabric (my parent's refuse to take me to Jo Ann's anymore and I won't drive there myself cause traffic is so busy through there.) and books, but I think I'm going to get this one.
Okay, I have to go now before the people get here and find me typing away...
It's Saturday! And it is sunny outside. :) Thank you Lord for a beautiful day today!
It is 1 pm and in about an hour someone is supposed to come visit our house. I do hope this is "the one." It is the second time someone has called to come see our place and for my parent's sake, as well as my own, I hope they buy the house. This is probably a little bit too hopeful since it usually takes more than 2 people coming to see your house before it sells, but I'm still hoping...
My brother-in-law built our house for us. Talk about amazing talent! Matt does incredible work. I should take some pics of the beautiful house he has built for us and post them here. I shall put it on my to-do list. Speaking of places that he has built, he built an addition on his sister's house (which is right next door) and built a barn with a full apartment above it too. Both of these came out GORGEOUS! My sister and her husband just moved into the apartment above the barn this week because their lease on their apartment is up and they are in between moves too so they are staying there temporarily until they get their own place. I am very jealous of them. I want to live up there too. I guess I will just have to take some pictures of this place. It's very cool!
I made another skirt this weekend. It went very quickly and was a lot of fun. It had an already finished hem so I just sewed the sides and hemmed the waist and put in the zipper. I think I'm going to take the zipper out though and do it again because it is puckering and it annoys me. I really enjoyed doing it though and it shouldn't take too long to pull out the seam and zipper and redo it. Once the people who are looking at the house leave I will take some pictures of everything and post them here.
And here is a list of things I am happy about today!
- Well, it's pretty outside today and someone is coming to visit the house and I made a skirt and my sister moved next door. I know I already covered that stuff in greater detail but it goes on the list too.
- It's almost the middle of February! Winter is that much closer to being over!
- I think I'm starting to figure this blogger thing out, but I still don't know how to categorize my posts. Hopefully I will figure this out soon.
- I got my room clean. I used to always have a very clean room. However, since starting school full-time and after moving during a semester and now working full-time my room has never really gotten organized and stayed that way. I think it looks pretty good now though. :)
- I am glad my sisters both have started blogs! I think it's cool that they are doing this too. I think my brother has even started one, but he hasn't let me know about it yet...
Here is what I am coveting:I want this book! Look at all the beautiful projects in this book! I am sure this is in almost everyone's crafting library, but I haven't seen it before. One of the things I love about the blogs is how much inspiration you can find. People are so talented and I love looking at the ideas they have and the projects they make and I've seen this book on a lot of the blogs I read and looked it up and now I want it too. I've been trying to be more conscious of how I spend my money and not spend it all on fabric (my parent's refuse to take me to Jo Ann's anymore and I won't drive there myself cause traffic is so busy through there.) and books, but I think I'm going to get this one.
Okay, I have to go now before the people get here and find me typing away...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Oh the Super Bowl...
So, I know it's Wednesday...and the Super Bowl was Sunday...but I'm only getting around to blogging right now. So I was sad that the Pats lost, but I guess the Giants deserved to win so kudos to them! I didn't watch the game but we kept up with it online.
I went to the doctors for my 3 hour test and the results came back negative. So I guess that's good. Since taking my vitamins (especially zinc and selenium) my energy has really increased! Yay! And my skin has cleared up a lot too which was an unexpected plus. Sweetness. :)
It's Wednesday! One more day and I'm off for the weekend. I have to run up to the community college and make sure my classes are dropped and hit the bank and WalMart. And my sister and her husband are moving on Friday so I'll probably try to help them move a little bit. And I'm trying to get a girls night out together for those of us still in town. I really want to spend some time with friends down here and get pics of everyone before I move. Whenever that is. I'm getting impatient! One of the girls at work just announced that she and her husband are moving to Germany for 3 years. I can't imagine what that must be like! I feel like moving to Ohio is a big step (and I guess it is) and I'm moving with my whole family and some of my dad's co-workers who are being moved out there with us too and are really close friends of ours. I'm excited; I mostly just want to be there...NOW! lol~
In a lot of ways I feel like God has been preparing me for this move for almost a year now. This past spring (2007) I almost moved to Texas (which would have thrilled me since I LOVE Texas!) but didn't at the last minute because my dad got a new job. Now this job is transferring him to Ohio. My only reservations with the last move were that I would miss my family and friends and would have to get certified to work as a dental assistant in another state. But now my whole family (including my sister and her husband) is moving and most of my friends have moved away to school or just to other places. And as far as my job goes, I'm just hoping to get a part-time job doing anything and find a way to get plugged into the community and start meeting people and getting involved in activities and a church or Bible study, etc. So I feel like God has really loosened (not cut) my ties here and has blessed me so I will still be near family and friends who are like family. I feel very peaceful about going, although I am a little nervous about meeting people because I am a little shy. I'll talk to anyone but I have a hard time really opening up.
Okay, enough rambling about myself...until later! I have some ideas for some projects that will hopefully actually become something more than just an idea. Hasta Manana! Or later than that. :)
I went to the doctors for my 3 hour test and the results came back negative. So I guess that's good. Since taking my vitamins (especially zinc and selenium) my energy has really increased! Yay! And my skin has cleared up a lot too which was an unexpected plus. Sweetness. :)
It's Wednesday! One more day and I'm off for the weekend. I have to run up to the community college and make sure my classes are dropped and hit the bank and WalMart. And my sister and her husband are moving on Friday so I'll probably try to help them move a little bit. And I'm trying to get a girls night out together for those of us still in town. I really want to spend some time with friends down here and get pics of everyone before I move. Whenever that is. I'm getting impatient! One of the girls at work just announced that she and her husband are moving to Germany for 3 years. I can't imagine what that must be like! I feel like moving to Ohio is a big step (and I guess it is) and I'm moving with my whole family and some of my dad's co-workers who are being moved out there with us too and are really close friends of ours. I'm excited; I mostly just want to be there...NOW! lol~
In a lot of ways I feel like God has been preparing me for this move for almost a year now. This past spring (2007) I almost moved to Texas (which would have thrilled me since I LOVE Texas!) but didn't at the last minute because my dad got a new job. Now this job is transferring him to Ohio. My only reservations with the last move were that I would miss my family and friends and would have to get certified to work as a dental assistant in another state. But now my whole family (including my sister and her husband) is moving and most of my friends have moved away to school or just to other places. And as far as my job goes, I'm just hoping to get a part-time job doing anything and find a way to get plugged into the community and start meeting people and getting involved in activities and a church or Bible study, etc. So I feel like God has really loosened (not cut) my ties here and has blessed me so I will still be near family and friends who are like family. I feel very peaceful about going, although I am a little nervous about meeting people because I am a little shy. I'll talk to anyone but I have a hard time really opening up.
Okay, enough rambling about myself...until later! I have some ideas for some projects that will hopefully actually become something more than just an idea. Hasta Manana! Or later than that. :)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
It is much prettier outside today! It's sunny and warm...I like days like these. It's nice to have a little break from winter during winter. It's weird though because on Friday we had ice and 2 days later it's almost 50 degrees....
I never mentioned our little incident with our pellet stove on Friday. Friday morning my mom was cleaning out the pellet stove using the shop-vac and someone forgot to put some kind of cap on the back of it. Long story short, all of the soot that was vacuumed out of the stove ended up blowing out the back of the vacuum and got all over the kitchen, dining room and living room. There was so much soot in the air that it looked foggy inside. It was pretty bad. So I spent the morning cleaning off tables and chairs and counters and looks MUCH better now. Unfortunately our regular vacuum was being repaired so it took quite a while to clean everything.
Anyway, here is a picture of the skirt I made. The lighting is too bright. The skirt is actually darker than this. I made a black skirt using this pattern too which I liked.
One last thing. Tonight is Super Bowl Sunday and I really hope the Pats win!
I never mentioned our little incident with our pellet stove on Friday. Friday morning my mom was cleaning out the pellet stove using the shop-vac and someone forgot to put some kind of cap on the back of it. Long story short, all of the soot that was vacuumed out of the stove ended up blowing out the back of the vacuum and got all over the kitchen, dining room and living room. There was so much soot in the air that it looked foggy inside. It was pretty bad. So I spent the morning cleaning off tables and chairs and counters and looks MUCH better now. Unfortunately our regular vacuum was being repaired so it took quite a while to clean everything.
Anyway, here is a picture of the skirt I made. The lighting is too bright. The skirt is actually darker than this. I made a black skirt using this pattern too which I liked.
My mom crochets. She asked for a bag to hold all her yarn for Christmas so I made this one for her. I didn't have a pattern, so I drafted one myself. It was a lot of fun. The front pocket has a place to put her crochet hooks and scissors. The inside can old about 8 rolls of yarn.
I made this bag for myself. It is my first attempt at applique. It was fun and only took about an hour to do. It was a practice run so hopefully the next one will be a little neater. :)
And finally this is Hank. He is an 8 month old Weimaraner puppy. He is sooo smart and full of personality and actually very calm for a male puppy of his breed.
I would really like to take a photography course. I have a few pictures that I have taken that I really like, but I think most of my photos are not so good. Or maybe I should pick up a few books from the library on digital photography. One last thing. Tonight is Super Bowl Sunday and I really hope the Pats win!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Yes, that's what today is: Friday. I finished the skirt and just need to take a picture of it to post it here. It's very yucky outside today though so the lighting is terrible for taking pictures. We had ice here last night and it's mostly melted, but it's very gray outside. I hope it clears up tomorrow so I can go out with my friends Janice and Rachel to see a movie. :) I haven't really had a chance to see any of my friends for a while. It would be fun to go out and visit with them for a while. Work was really tiring this week and I'm glad for the break. We had a call on our house and someone came to visit it yesterday. That is encouraging since it's been on the market since before Christmas and we just got our first call yesterday. I have such a hard time waiting. I'm not the most patient person in the world. I'm pretty patient with people and in situations, I just don't like waiting for things. I will miss everyone here when I move, but right now I'm just anxious to move so I can get on with life. I dropped out of college this semester because I didn't want to have to drop out of all my classes in the middle of the semester. I only have 5 classes left before I can have my 2 year degree.
I just try to keep in mind that God has everything under control and his timing is best. In the meantime I should try to spend time with the people I know and love here before I move and won't be seeing them for a while. :( I keep telling my friends that they will have to come out to Ohio and visit me. I'm trying to be excited about all the new opportunities that come with a big move. New people, new places, new jobs, new adventure of sorts. It won't be the first time I've made a big move. This will be my 9th move and I'm sure it won't be my last. It has been about 8 years since I have made a big move though so it will definitely be a change.
Okay. It's dinnertime. Off to spend some time with my family.
Will write again later~
I just try to keep in mind that God has everything under control and his timing is best. In the meantime I should try to spend time with the people I know and love here before I move and won't be seeing them for a while. :( I keep telling my friends that they will have to come out to Ohio and visit me. I'm trying to be excited about all the new opportunities that come with a big move. New people, new places, new jobs, new adventure of sorts. It won't be the first time I've made a big move. This will be my 9th move and I'm sure it won't be my last. It has been about 8 years since I have made a big move though so it will definitely be a change.
Okay. It's dinnertime. Off to spend some time with my family.
Will write again later~
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