Sunday, March 30, 2008


I read "Murder on the Orient Express" today. It's an Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot mystery. Very good. I started it around 2 and finished it around 7 something. I totally didn't expect the ending. I usually don't get into mysteries, but I like Agatha Christie. Although I wonder what kind of person she was to think up all these murder stories. You kinda start to wonder about people like that. :)

I dug out my yarn yesterday. With this upcoming move I'm trying not to drag out all my fabric and sewing machine and books and have a huge mess to put away just in case someone calls (no one does, but that's beside the point). So I am knitting a scarf probably for my friend Courteney in her school colors. It probably won't be ready until it's cold again so I figure I have plenty of time to work on it (I'll have to post a picture of it when it's finished). I forgot how much I enjoyed it. Maybe I'll use up some of my yarn stash this summer. Around Christmas I gave away a large trash bag full of yarn that I felt I probably would never use and still had quite a bit of yarn left over. I need to really use up the stuff I have and stop buying fabric and yarn. :P Does anyone else have this problem?

That's all. :)

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