Friday, September 12, 2008

Another week is over!

And I am glad for it! It has been a long and tiring week including events such as starting a new job, giving a speech that was completely half-baked (I realized it was due a day and half before I was supposed to give it...whoops!), tests at school, Campus Crusade meetings, orthodontist appointments, homework, homework, and more homework. Did I mention that I had to do homework? I made some progress on my Microsoft class. I think I actually submitted an assignment correctly! That's pretty exciting! I even got a head start on next week's assignment. I will probably have it finished on Monday of next week because Adam and I are planning to go to the Sneak Peek weekend next Friday-Sunday and I need to have all my homework submitted before I leave. So that means I have to buckle down and finish all this stuff early! At least I don't have any tests or speeches to do this week! That makes me happy. :)

You know what else makes me happy? I got a %96 on my art test and I really didn't study at all (not that that is a good thing. I know I have a time management problem, but I think that going to every class and paying attention and taking notes helps me alot.)!

We had another Campus Crusade meeting today. Besides Adam and myself, Janice came. And of course Randy came and so did his intern. I had hoped more people would come, but even just having three makes me happy. There were several others who said they would come, but didn't. We have been having fewer and fewer people show up for meetings each week. We said we could change the meeting time, but I don't know if they aren't coming because the time is bad or if they just aren't interested. We're trying to figure this out. It is a little discouraging. Okay, it's very discouraging. I'm just trying to keep in mind that this is God's group and He can get it going and keep it going if it's His will.

I decided to not eat anymore chocolate until my birthday (11/1). Strangely enough, I haven't been craving it. I know that cutting out chocolate doesn't seem like much, but usually any junk food that I eat contains chocolate. So by cutting out chocolate, I am pretty much cutting out most sugary foods since I can't eat anything sticky either (braces...the anti-sugar addiction...well, maybe not totally, but to a slight degree). The goal? To try and get my blood sugar to level out, and ditto that for my hormones. And maybe lose a pound or two. Or 5. Or more. I'll take whatever I can get. Or lose.

Anyway, it's been a long day and I should finish up some homework before I hit the hay.
Ciao folks~

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