Saturday, October 11, 2008

What a day...what a week~

It has been a long week. That is the quickest way to sum it up. I have been getting quite a few headaches lately and I don't know if it's because I need an adjustment or if it's because I'm getting stressed out over school and stuff. I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed for a good part of the week because I've been so grumpy. I don't like feeling this way. I'm ready for a break. I'm glad it's the weekend!

We went to Winchester today so Adam could stop by a guitar store and so I could go to the library. I got a membership to the Winchester public library last week and I was glad I could go check out some books. I actually took out quite a few. I doubt I'll be able to read them all, but it's nice to know they're there when I do have some time to read. We stopped at Old Navy, Borders, Michael's and Circuit City on the way home. They're all in the same shopping complex so we everyone just went into the store they wanted to go to. I went to Michael's and got some ink and a calligraphy pen and some watercolors and a watercolor pad. I have an idea for a drawing that I want to try. I can't draw worth anything, but my art appreciation class is inspiring me to try new things so you may be seeing pictures of my attempts at sketching and painting up here sometime soon. I also stopped at Borders to see if Anna Maria Horner's new book: Seams to Me is out yet, but I couldn't find it. I really want to look in there. I really want to start making stuff to put into my Etsy shop. I miss crafting. Becca and I might try to get together to do some more sewing. We're thinking of trying to re-fashion some clothes. It should be fun!

Our Campus Crusade for Christ meeting had a rather large turnout this past week! Instead of the usual 3 of us, we had 7 people come to the meeting. At the end another guy came in for a few minutes. It was pretty cool. I think God is moving on our campus and it is really exciting. I wish I was more involved in talking to other students. I feel like Adam and Richard are having more conversations about religion and Jesus with students than I am, but I am building relationships with students and I have had some opportunities to talk about Jesus and Christianity with the people I've talked to. I seem to have so little time lately. I've been working a lot and with no internet connection at home I have been having to do all my homework at school so when I'm on campus I am really busy. I guess I'll just have to trust God to bring people my way and let me know when to strike up a conversation with them. I have been praying for the campus and for the students I'm meeting. I really want to be loving towards them.

All in all, this has been a challenging week. I worked 4 days this week, I feel like I haven't been seeing my family at all and I've been stressing out over one of my internet classes which I am afraid I am failing. I'm not so worried about failing it anymore, I think (hope...pray) that I will be okay in it. It's just been really rough so far! I've been feeling kind of low and am trying not to give into feelings of uselessness and despair and bitterness. I think that after trying to do all I can to put my best foot forward and be cheerful at work and school I'm not really doing the same for my family which really isn't fair to them. I'm trying to have a better attitude and I want to be thankful. It really comes down to the fact that I'm not very grateful for all the blessings I've been given. If I could fully comprehend the amazing blessings that I've been given then I don't think I could help but be overjoyed. I am trying to focus on those blessings and give praise to God. My spirit is willing, but my flesh is weak. I'm not sure where that verse came from (if it is a verse...I'm pretty sure it's a verse...someone correct me if I'm wrong), but it certainly sums up my attitude this week. It's so wonderful to have a God who is loving and forgiving. I haven't done my "counting my blessings" posts in awhile, so I'm going to do one today.

I am thankful for:
  • gorgeous fall weather
  • changing leaves
  • safety while on the road
  • the work that is being done on our campus
  • the relationships I've made at school
  • Dr. Hartman, Pam, Aimee and Maria...I am truly blessed by my boss and co-workers.
  • friends like Janice and Becca...friends are such a gift from God. They are such a blessing.
  • My family
  • Campus Crusade for Christ. Honestly, I would have probably dropped out of school again by now if it weren't for Cru.
We haven't had internet for the past few days so posting has been rather scarce. Hopefully we will have another connection soon and I will be able to be on here some more.

Until then, be blessed!

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