Saturday, January 31, 2009


So I made it there! After trying and trying to get people at our school interested in going I ended up being the only person from school who was able to go. There were a few people who were interested, but unfortunately weren't able to go. But my friend Elizabeth who lives locally, but goes to Concord University was going to go so we ended up riding in together. That was great. I didn't know Beth very well before the trip but I got to know her a lot better which was wonderful. She is a sweetie pie!
As soon as we got to the Marriott I was surprised at how many students were there. The place was mobbed! And the elevators were swamped too. By the time our elevator reached the 12th floor (which is where our rooms were) they were so crowded that people were standing shoulder to shoulder and everyone was all smooshed together. The ceilings were mirrored so I took a picture of us in the ceiling. You still can't even properly see how crowded the elevator was and it got worse than this anyway. It was funny.
They had a lot of musicians come in for a concert. This was Jonathan Lee, but they also had Vicky Beeching and Brenton Brown. I liked Vicky the best. She was kind of like a cross between Rebecca St. James and Sarah Brendel.
On Tuesday we went out into DC for the Day of Faith. We split the entire conference into groups of about 100 each and everyone had different metro routes to take to get to the Washington Monument. It was pretty crowded. But the entire time we were at the conference we were crowded. I didn't really mind though. Everyone was really nice.

We reached the monument and we spread into a really big circle (and the circle was about 2-3 people thick in some places) and prayed.
I asked one of the girls from Concord if she wanted me to take her picture in front of the monument and she said sure. So we stopped and then three other girls jumped in too. After we prayed at the monument we split back up again and walked and walked and walked and walked (you get the idea) to South Eastern University (which is a school that's not actually much bigger than my school if you can believe it) and we split into even smaller groups of about 5 and we prayed together for the school and the community and the capital and the nation and our schools....and pretty much everything. My group found a pretty little spot in the park to sit and pray and before we left to rejoin the group we went down the slide a few times. :)

We had all of our main sessions in the ballroom. It was really big and there we still didn't seem to have enough chairs for everyone. We had the sessions, the concerts and the New Years party in there.
These were two of my roommates. The one on the right is Lauren. I roomed with her at Sneak Peek too. It was really nice to see her again. She is so nice. :) The other is Jordan. I didn't get to know her as well, but she was really nice too.This is my other roommate. Her name is Brionna. She was a lot of fun. We spent a couple of hours on New Years eve finding her a costume for $5 prom. Look at how horribly messy our room is! I have to admit that I got kind of spoiled having people come in and make the bed for us and clean our bathroom...I miss that. :)
This was a wing that they named the Prayer Journey. Some of the Radford students helped to set it up. There were Bibles in there and different 'stations' set up with Bible verses to read and topics to pray for (ie: country, government, military, family, schools, friends, etc.). It was a really nice place to go to when you wanted to be away from the noise and crowds and read your Bible for a little while.
Here we are! All ready for $5 prom.
I thought our costumes were a little bit tacky, but this guy's costume trumped everyone. A chicken suit topped with a pink dress suit. I can only imagine he was dying from being overheated.
I had a great time, but by Thursday morning I was ready to head home. I was exhausted and getting sick. But I still miss Radiate sometimes. I miss the seminars, the speakers (which were wonderful!), the students, the Marriott, and even DC (I am not really keen on big cities). I am really glad I went. I am looking forward to next year too! Beth and I are hoping to go to Sneak Peek together if our campuses don't want to send anyone else. So that's something to look forward to. :)

So there...I'm a month late, but there is my Radiate post!

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