Sunday, February 24, 2008

Another Weekend Over

It's Sunday's amazing how quickly 3 days go by. 3 days where you don't have to dash out the door early and come home late, worry so much about the weather, deal with people all day...not that weekends are perfect, and they wouldn't mean anything if you didn't have to work because then they would just be like any other day...but I do enjoy them.

Today was a nice day. We had church with our neighbors (and my sister and her husband...who are also our neighbors...) and we all had lunch together. This happens pretty much every Sunday. It's really nice. The men take turns teaching each week so you get a variety. I like it when we listen to John MacArthur. I think he is a wonderful teacher. But it's also nice to hear what the other people here are studying in the Bible too. I enjoy it very much. Later this afternoon, Dad and I went out to Walmart (he let me drive :) ) and I was able to grocery shop for the week. I'm still gluten-free although I really wanted to cheat today. So I went to the store and managed to find a lot of gluten-free foods. So I guess I'll be doing a bit of cooking this week. Should be fun. :) And it's much cheaper than buying lunch out every day.

In other words I am thankful for:
studying the Bible (with family and friends)
getting my grocery shopping done
spending quality time with my siblings this weekend (playing dutch blitz...I beat Matt. This has only ever happened once before. He's the best at dutch blitz. *says all this with a Nacho Libre accent*)
We didn't get all the snow and ice we were supposed to get.
One more week till it is March! February is almost over!

So that is what's on my mind tonight.
Have a happy week!

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